Self-Reflective Questions for the New Year

Dr. Morry Schwartz

By Dr. Morry A.J. Schwartz, C. Psych.

Self-Reflective Questions for the New Year

Self-Reflective Questions for the New Year

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! May we all work together this year to create a world filled with cooperation, compassion, and peace.

When someone asks about your resolutions for the new year, how do you respond? Some of us may welcome the discussion, divulging freely with others our hopes, dreams, and goals. Others may roll their eyes at the question, scoffing at the idea and expressing that January 1st is simply an arbitrary date. Either response is valid, and no matter how you feel about the question, there’s no denying that the new year offers us a wonderful opportunity to cultivate self-reflection. Be it in a collaborative and lively discussion with others, or introspectively tucked away in the notes app of our phones, we can never forget the importance of carving out time to simply sit and process the year prior and how we wish to approach the year ahead.

Asking reflective questions is a powerful tool for personal development. When we ask ourselves reflective questions, we prompt an introspection that enables us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. The problem is that we may become so accustomed to asking these questions of others that we forget the importance of doing so for ourselves.

This set of questions can be used at the start of the new year, or any time for that matter, to help you gain insight into your thoughts and feelings, examine what is working well in our lives and what isn’t, and develop a better understanding of oneself and the world around you.

welcome to 2024

Self-Reflective Questions for the New Year

When looking back on the past year, what moments brought me the most fulfillment and joy?

I ask this question at the start of this practice since it’s one that hopefully sparks feelings of ease. Self-reflection can be difficult for some, and whether we wish to maintain the practice is directly tied to how we feel when practicing it, so beginning with a question that helps us feel good may help cultivate self-reflection as a habit we look forward to.

Of the challenges I faced, what do I believe was the most significant? Why? What lessons can I learn from this experience, and how might I approach a similar situation differently moving forward in the year ahead?

We all make mistakes. To make a mistake is to be human. Regret is normal, and this emotion can be used as a helpful tool in learning how we wish to approach a situation in a way that is more aligned with our values. Reflecting on our mistakes isn’t about punishing ourselves, it’s about learning and evolving so we can feel more aligned moving forward.

What am I most grateful for from the past year?

Our lives can get so busy that we forget the beauty of practicing gratitude. This doesn’t mean toxic positivity or overlooking moments that are difficult, but simply working our mind to be mindful of the good, which so often goes unnoticed.

When did I feel most alive this past year? Why? How can I incorporate more of that for the year ahead?

This is a powerful question in identifying what makes us truly joyful. The moments in which we feel most alive are often the moments in which we feel most present.

What is one small step I can take each day to foster healthier and meaningful connections with others?

Human beings are social creatures and we thrive in connection. However, we are also experiencing a time when there is more loneliness than ever. If socializing feels overwhelming, remember that cultivating meaningful connections doesn’t need to be extreme. Simply prioritizing smiling and connecting with our neighbours or sparking a short conversation with the cashier at our local grocery can be enough to facilitate daily, meaningful connections.

Happy New Year everyone!

Wishing you all a year filled with moments of balance, mindfulness, and fulfilling adventures.

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