The Benefits of ADHD

Dr. Morry Schwartz

By Dr. Morry A.J. Schwartz, C. Psych.

The Benefits of ADHD

The Benefits of ADHD

As a psychologist who often works with clients diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), I am well aware that ADHD is often discussed in terms of its challenges and difficulties. The fixation on ADHD’s challenges can often send clients into a spiral of shame, which unfortunately can leave them unaware of the many wonderful traits and potential benefits that come with an ADHD diagnosis. 

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder characterized by a pattern of behaviour that may include: Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and difficulty focusing on tasks that typically do not spark an interest in the ADHD individual. Some researchers suggest the ADHD brain may have lower levels of Dopamine that may contribute to the likelihood of ADHD symptoms. 

Often ADHD individuals are inadvertently taught to feel ‘shame’ around their symptoms. In my practice, I make it a point to focus on helping teach clients how to manage and minimize their inner critic regarding their diagnosis. In fact, it is crucial to highlight the many positive aspects of ADHD that can be used well in various contexts. 

The following is a list of some of my favourite ADHD benefits. 

ADHD is often misunderstood as a disorder in which an individual cannot focus well. In fact, individuals with ADHD can often have times of extreme focus. This is defined as ‘hyperfocusing’ or the ability to have intense concentration on a task the individual finds interesting and motivating. When managed well, this can serve as a major benefit which can lead to high productivity and exceptional work. This is sometimes described as a ‘flow state.’

Growing up as an individual with ADHD, can often leave the person feeling misunderstood, judged, or isolated. In fact, it is precisely this reason, why many individuals with ADHD often have a heightened sense of empathy and intuition in various situations. Understanding how it feels to be misunderstood often allows the individual with ADHD to better understand and empathize with the hardships of others. 

Some people with ADHD can also experience their emotions very deeply and intensely when compared to the average neurotypical brain. This allows them to feel a heightened sense of compassion and intuition regarding the emotional state of others. This often makes the ADHD individual a wonderful friend and a joy to have in one’s life. 

Many individuals with ADHD are also known for being exceptionally creative, as they are skilled in the art of ‘out-of-the-box thinking.’ Being forced to problem-solve unconventionally often inspires ADHD individuals to develop this wonderful style of thinking. ADHD individuals often tend to be great idea generators often excelling at coming up with innovative solutions. 

When someone with ADHD is engaged and focused on who or what they love, their energy can be inspiring and contagious. Curiosity is often a huge bonus of the ADHD brain. Such individuals are often times motivating, exciting and fun to be around. 

I believe ADHD can carry so many superpowers that unfortunately are not often recognized. In ADHD-focused therapy, the goal is to assist the client in better understanding their ADHD. We explore how ADHD impacts their relationships, sense of self, career, personal life and many other things. 

I work to provide my clients with a better understanding of how their ADHD brain works, how to cope and manage symptoms, and how to emphasize the positive traits of ADHD within themselves.

If you are looking to explore ADHD focused therapy, please feel free to reach out to me.

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